SAP Basis Documentation and training - SAP Basis

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Documentation and training
Installation of SAP applications
Understanding the structure and functioning of the system is particularly important for IT administration. It is not for nothing that "SAP Basis Administrator" is a career field in its own right. Instead of data and application development, the focus here is on providing the software environment on which the company's tools are created. SAP Basis is therefore comparable to the server and platform infrastructure and its administration in companies - as distinct from application and web development.

The past ten years have primarily revolutionized the infrastructure and database layer. The fascinating thing is that there have been hardly any changes to the SAP installation program SAPinst during this time.
Whenever you find a red traffic light on the Roles tab in the user master in SU01 - or a yellow traffic light on the Users tab in PFCG, you can usually solve the problem with a simple user synchronization. The fact that such a user adjustment is necessary can have several reasons. Among others: after a role transport to / when assigning users to roles via PFCG after restricting the validity of roles to users when roles are assigned indirectly via organizational management. Users usually notice the problem of a user comparison that has not been carried out quite quickly: Authorizations are missing, although at first glance they are available in the assigned authorization roles. This is because a user is assigned the correct authorization role - but the profile associated with the role is not up to date.

SAP Basis Operation is responsible for ensuring the technical functionality of an SAP system. It includes all the technical components mentioned above. These are used to perform the following tasks:

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.

This can be used, for example, for advertising purposes, as a know-how presentation or as a further source of income.

SME-Cloud is in contact with the global cloud manager (if it exists in the company).
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