Due to the large number of different constellations of database and SAP software, the job as an SAP Basis administrator is very diverse and, in addition to the topics mentioned above, also includes the following:
In order to explain the relationship between TREX and SAP Solution Manager, I would like to ask you a question first. Can you remember when you last used the search help (F4) in SAP, what you were looking for and above all what the search string looked like? Now, the entitlement admin might have looked like this. Any role for a new key-user in the HCM area, but how exactly was that called? Would you Google the same way? - Not much. The Enterprise Search in Solution Manager 7.2 In the SAP Solution Manager, the SAP Enterprise Search provides a comprehensive full-text search. With only one keyword, you can search centrally for all types of documents in the ITSM and ChaRM, such as incidents or changes, via the Fiori Launchpad. If you have added attachments, they will also be searched for the keyword. At a technical level, a special BOL query object is passed to the Enterprise Search, which passes the HANA database and performs a search. What if you don't use the Solution Manager on SAP HANA? Enterprise Search with TREX 7.1 SAP offers the possibility to use Solution Manager 7.2 on another database (AnyDB), for example DB2 or Oracle. In order to use Enterprise Search (also embedded search) in this case, you need the TREX admin tool. This stands for Text Receival and Information Extraction, which basically describes the functionality of the software. The TREXEngine takes the search text in the form of the Query object and provides an intelligent search of keywords and long texts in previously classified documents. Installation and Usage Tips Run the TREX configuration after the basic configuration of the Solution Manager. In SOLMAN_SETUP you will find the Embedded Search scenario, which is the guide for the configuration. In the Process Management scenario, configure the embedded search using the description. Here the object connectors are created and the indexing jobs are started. Both are required to use the solution documentation in conjunction with other components. If you are installing UNIX, make sure that the shared libraries are up-to-date or that they are initially available.
A role concept according to best practice protects you from potential attacks within your SAP landscape. However, to protect your system from unauthorized access via the network, a correct configuration of the SAP gateway is required. It enables the use of external programs via interfaces or the call of ABAP programs and serves as a technical component of the application server, which manages the communication of all RFC-based functions.
Transaction code description
If you look at everything I've described up front in its entirety, it quickly becomes clear which direction things are headed: the SAP basis will increasingly move toward an SRE-centric environment over the next decade. This is what the future of SAP looks like, and I look forward to an exciting journey.
Cross-client tables can be modified. The control system of another, productive client can thus be undermined and undermined. Quite a lot of power! Did you also know that the SAP system provides a feature that deletes table change protocols (DBTA BLOG table) and that it is effective across all clients? If the table change logs have not been additionally archived via the BC_DBLOGS archiving object, traceability is no longer available. That way, every criminal act within your company can be beautifully covered up. Similarly, full access to batch management allows you to manage all background jobs in all clients with the permission. This allows you to delete old background jobs that have gone unauthorised. There are also some points to consider when managing print jobs. Typically, the following two SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print jobs: S_SPO_DEV (spooler device permissions) S_SPO_ACT (spooler actions). Why? Confidential information in print jobs is not protected against unauthorised disclosure. (Strictly) sensitive print jobs can be read unauthorised or redirected to external printers and printed out. Print jobs are unprotected unless additional SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print output. The print jobs are multi-tenant, which means that the authorisation award should also be well thought through at the point.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.
This data exchange is known as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
OBJECTS_LOCKED_? This step checks to see if there are any objects left in unreleased jobs that will be overwritten during the commit.