Involving business departments in job planning
SolMan - the Solution Manager takes over the monitoring of the system status and enables central application management
With the growth of the company also came extensions and the need for a whole SAP Basis team. Basically, it is a condition that occurs sooner or later in any organization that maintains SAP systems.
SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of the SAP Basis system. The SAP Basis system is like an operating system for R/3 as well as S/4. Every operating system, such as Windows, provides an environment in which programs developed for that environment can run, such as MS Office. Likewise, the SAP Basis system provides an environment in which SAP programs can run. In any R/3 or S/4 system, there is a database server, such as HANA, where the database resides. It provides the necessary data to all other applications. The data here is not only data tables, but also applications, system control tables and user data.
Mentioning the SUM tool leads us to another part of SAP Basis: system updates and upgrades. Since SAP software receives updates from SAP at regular intervals - in the case of R/3 in the form of SPS (Support Package Stacks) and in the case of S/4HANA in the form of FPS (Feature Pack Stacks) - a large part of an SAP Basis administrator's job is to import these packages into the SAP system.
The Log function displays logs for SPAM steps using the tp transport control programme. After successfully inserting the queue, you should always check these logs. Associating the SPAM steps with log files Step Log file DISASSEMBLE_PATCH Generate Cofile TEST_IMPORT Testimport IMPORT_OBJECT_LIST Commandfile Import DDIC-IMPORT DD-Import IMPORT_PROPER DD-Activation Import ADO-Import Verification Versions Method Execution ABAP/Dynpro Generation Procedure To get to the log display, select Image Jump Log Queue. Importance of Return Codes Return-Code Meaning 0 or 4 System information and warnings Warnings are generally uncritical for the system. However, you should check them anyway, as in rare cases follow-up errors may occur. Larger 4 Serious errors that must be fixed before you can successfully complete the commit. Confirm Queue Usage Confirm the successful insertion of the Queue in your system. This ensures that additional support packages can be used in the future. Without this confirmation, it is not possible to insert additional support packages. If you have not yet confirmed successful support packages, you will be prompted to confirm these support packages when upgrading your system. Prerequisites You have successfully imported one or more Support Packages. Procedure Confirm successful insertion of the Support Packages into your system with the Support Package.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP base.
There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: CANNOT_SCHEDULE_RDDIMPDP: The RDDIMPDP job could not be scheduled.
On the one hand, staff clerks (or other personnel officials) should be able to carry out their important work.