SWEQADM Event queue administration
In order to explain the relationship between TREX and SAP Solution Manager, I would like to ask you a question first. Can you remember when you last used the search help (F4) in SAP, what you were looking for and above all what the search string looked like? Now, the entitlement admin might have looked like this. Any role for a new key-user in the HCM area, but how exactly was that called? Would you Google the same way? - Not much. The Enterprise Search in Solution Manager 7.2 In the SAP Solution Manager, the SAP Enterprise Search provides a comprehensive full-text search. With only one keyword, you can search centrally for all types of documents in the ITSM and ChaRM, such as incidents or changes, via the Fiori Launchpad. If you have added attachments, they will also be searched for the keyword. At a technical level, a special BOL query object is passed to the Enterprise Search, which passes the HANA database and performs a search. What if you don't use the Solution Manager on SAP HANA? Enterprise Search with TREX 7.1 SAP offers the possibility to use Solution Manager 7.2 on another database (AnyDB), for example DB2 or Oracle. In order to use Enterprise Search (also embedded search) in this case, you need the TREX admin tool. This stands for Text Receival and Information Extraction, which basically describes the functionality of the software. The TREXEngine takes the search text in the form of the Query object and provides an intelligent search of keywords and long texts in previously classified documents. Installation and Usage Tips Run the TREX configuration after the basic configuration of the Solution Manager. In SOLMAN_SETUP you will find the Embedded Search scenario, which is the guide for the configuration. In the Process Management scenario, configure the embedded search using the description. Here the object connectors are created and the indexing jobs are started. Both are required to use the solution documentation in conjunction with other components. If you are installing UNIX, make sure that the shared libraries are up-to-date or that they are initially available.
The following figure shows the logging for the SAP standard group "SUPER". For this group, all activities are recorded in all clients.
Double stack split
The application layer is the central component of the SAP R/3 system. This layer is therefore also referred to by SAP as the actual basis system. Within the layer there are application servers and a message server.
This point may sound a little trivial at first. Who tests, surely documents this? Experience shows: Yes, but often patchy. In the case of unsuccessful tests, where subsequent or additional developments are due and the cause of the error is not directly apparent at first glance, good result documentation often pays off. This saves developers time in communication and effort by re-imagining the scenario. At this point, the SAP Solution Manager offers extensive opportunities to manage templates and result documents centrally and in the individual test plans. Automated testing only Automated testing offers many advantages, whether it is a higher software quality through more comprehensive test coverage or reusability of test cases. However, it does not always make sense to use only automated test scripts. A less good choice is the test automation for frequently changing software or processes, because the maintenance effort can be enormous. At this point, it is often more effective to run manual test runs instead of spending a lot of time customising test scripts. Poor test preparation The relevant processes have been defined, the test plans have been created and the test period has begun - so can testing begin? Not always. Lack of test preparation often leads to unplanned additional time costs. Sometimes the testers were not familiar with the test environment or no one thought about taking care of a sufficient and current test data set (master data, movement data). Make sure you have thought of everything you need! (missing test data, unrepresentative test environment, unstable).
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" are extremely useful in basic administration.
The SAP NetWeaver (formerly SAP BC) platform, which is part of SAP Basis, ensures the integration of all these application components.
In conclusion, the SUIM is only partially suitable for identifying certain transactions with user assignment.