Missing result documentation
System Retirement
Companies face a major challenge. The world is not going digital, but it is already. The age of digitisation and the related technological changes, as well as the demands of customers, bring new opportunities and new challenges for companies. In addition, the product strategy is changing, including that of SAP. In order to achieve the associated goals of the company and to implement them as effectively and efficiently as possible, the SAP basis must contribute to the design of an IT roadmap and to the design of the digitisation and also cloud strategy. A detailed review of the IT Roadmap recommendation is carried out within the master thesis in chapter 7.9.
SAP Basis usually takes care of the administration of the SAP system. The most important SAP Basis transactions are listed in this article.
Execution of release changes and upgrade projects
Job scheduling: your system needs to run various automated background jobs that consume resources. Your administrator must carefully schedule these tasks when user demand is low so they don't impact performance.
If table logging is active in your system, you can specify which tables are to be logged in transaction SE13. For an active logging it is necessary to set the flag "Log data changes".
Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
Practical experience at home and abroad has given us a proven view of heterogeneous system landscapes.
In view of his impasse, he opts for a drastic measure.