SAP Basis OLE Example: OLE Processing - SAP Basis

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OLE Example: OLE Processing
Objectives of the training SAP HANA - Installation and Administration:
The SAP Basis team takes care of the entire administration of an SAP system. As a company, you have to decide whether you want to leave the support of your system within your company or place the "Basis" in the hands of an SAP expert.

HANA optimization makes your own programs really fast. ABAP firewall: 92% less effort, 98% lower costs. Set quality standards for internal and external developments. Accurate and resource-saving analysis and evaluation. Security and compliance risks: significantly reduced.
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In this SAP Solution Manager training, we teach you how SAP Solution Manager works. You will receive the necessary know-how to implement SAP SolMan yourself.

The master's thesis identified and examined in detail influencing factors such as technological trends and the SAP product strategy as well as the company-specific conditions. Several empirical studies were also carried out in the course of the work. If you are interested in the entire Master's thesis and are a DSAG member, you can read the document at, headword: Master thesis SAP-Basis of Tomorrow, request.

Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.

Every SAP system evolves over many years.

You can use the system changeability variable to specify whether changeability of cross-client data, such as programs or menus, as well as client-independent customizing is allowed.
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