Planning / Implementation
SAPUI5 and Fiori
Overall, the application layer is the link between the database layer on the one hand and the presentation layer on the other. Thus, the applications on the application layer request required data from the database in order to process it afterwards.
There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: CANNOT_GET_OBJECT_LIST: The Object List for a Support Package could not be found because the Support Package does not exist. CANNOT_CHECK_LOCKS: An error occurred while detecting the locks of an object in the queue. OBJECTS_LOCKED_IN_REQUESTS: Objects found in unreleased jobs. Release these jobs before you resume playing. SCHEDULE_RDDIMPDP In this step the transport daemon (programme RDDIMPDP) is planned. There are the following reasons that may lead to the termination of this step: CANNOT_SCHEDULE_RDDIMPDP: The RDDIMPDP job could not be scheduled. Enter the transaction SM37 (job selection), enter the following parameters, and select Next: Job Name RDDIMPDP Username Start by Event SAP_TRIGGER_RDDIMPDP Select the job that was cancelled and view the job log.
If we look at the question of standardisation, this concerns not only the administrative side of IT products, but also the standardisation and simplification of IT products offered by the SAP basis. For this purpose, tools such as ITIL for standardised tasks and the development of IT product and IT service catalogues have already established themselves to the greatest extent possible. These clearly describe the IT services provided. In addition to the definition of the service to be provided, the clear description shall include the identification of disclaimers and conditions that must exist. Also part of the service description is a price that can be composed of fixed and variable parts. This simplification and bundling of the product portfolios should also reduce the administrative burden when ordering, activating, changing, terminating and, of course, invoicing. The description of the IT services and the associated development of an IT product catalogue is the basis for standardisation, whether the recipient is an external or internal customer (e.g. a business unit). One difficulty is the definition of IT products, i.e. the pooling of IT services and resources. An orientation towards the idea of cloud computing can help. The characteristics of cloud computing are the provision of standardised services in terms of performance and type of performance, results-orientated services, provision of performance to a wide range of service customers, scalability, transaction-based billing and high risk of IT service failure.
The SAP basis as an organisational unit within a growing IT organisation is facing far-reaching changes. The growing number of technologies and the growing need for integration and collaboration with upstream and downstream IT departments means that the SAP basis is constantly growing. Examples of organisational concepts and further information can be found in chapters 7.6 and 9.4 of the Master's thesis.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
The difference is first of all in terms of terminology.
The Coupled process links the two strategies mentioned above.