SAP Basis Recording customer infrastructure and consulting SAP® systems and operations - SAP Basis

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Recording customer infrastructure and consulting SAP® systems and operations
IDOC IDoc and EDI Basis: Repair and Check Programs
With SAP Basis, SAP delivers the foundation of its software. Based on this foundation, SAP applications can be used independently of the operating system and database, interact with each other and be enriched with data. Based on a client/server architecture, SAP Basis includes configuration, a relational database management system, and a graphical user interface.

With the function module SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES one can determine the most important SAP Basis transactions. After all, each SAP Basis expert sees different transactions as important.
Fiori Permissions for tile groups in PFCG
We can say that Basis is the operating system for SAP applications and ABAP. Basis provides services such as communication with the operating system, database communication, memory management, application data collection at runtime, web requests, business data exchange, etc.

Planning ahead: Ideally, your SAP system administrator should make the necessary adjustments to your system landscape before end users are affected. This requires careful planning and anticipation of long-term trends.

For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.

If different jobs are strung together to form chains, further problems arise.

The HANA database (in-memory database) is an in-house development by SAP and brings with it numerous innovations.
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