SAP Basis SAP SM37: How to monitor a background job? - SAP Basis

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SAP SM37: How to monitor a background job?
The basics of Basis Administration
In the case of distributed or local SAP systems, it can also be helpful if departments or decentralized IT units can schedule their own jobs themselves. It is important that the associated approval processes can also be mapped and easily tracked. This brings convenience, flexibility and a degree of freedom without neglecting operational security. The integration of the business departments can relieve the IT administrator and turn background processing into an end-to-end process integrated into the organization.

The integration of the SAP basis enables solutions to be introduced faster and better integrated into the existing system landscape. This is partly because the solutions are already known in advance and the necessary knowledge exists or is already planned. This will make it easier to implement the roadmap. It should also be noted that a clear strategy on digitisation and also on cloud products in general, as well as their possible uses, sets out a framework for action that all parties can follow. The participants thus know where the company wants to develop or orientate itself, what is possible and what is not possible or permitted. Thus, both companies and the parties have a valid point of reference at all times. This also leads to an increased acceptance within the SAP basis and a more practical implementation for the SAP basis, as the mentioned expertise is already present in the strategy. As a result, this makes it easier and cheaper to ensure operation in a manageable system landscape.
Employee entries and exits
SAP Basis administration is distinct from other roles such as ABAP developers and consultants who handle architecture. In many companies, the boundaries between administration and development are blurred. Admins may therefore also be involved in the planning and development of the system.

In transaction PFUD (see image above), you can perform the user match manually for all roles (or selected roles). You can choose between the matchup types Profile Matchup, Matchup of Indirect Assignments from Composite Roles, and Matchup HR Organizational Management. According to SAP documentation, the matchups differ as follows: Profile Matchup: "The program compares the currently valid user assignments of the selected single roles with the assignments of the associated generated profiles and makes any necessary adjustments to the profile assignments. Matching indirect assignments from composite roles: User assignments to composite roles result in indirect assignments for the single roles contained in the composite role. This match type matches the indirect assignments of the selected single roles to the user assignments of all composite roles that contain the single roles. If the selection set contains composite roles, the comparison takes place for all single roles contained in it. HR Organizational Management comparison: This comparison type updates the indirect assignments of all selected single and composite roles that are linked to elements of HR Organizational Management. The HR adjustment is inactive and cannot be selected if no active plan version exists or if a global deactivation has been made by setting the Customizing switch HR_ORG_ACTIVE = NO in table PRGN_CUST. Furthermore, the option "Perform cleanup" is interesting, which can be selected independently of the three adjustment types and does not refer to the role selection. The Perform Cleanup function can be used to remove residual data that resulted from incomplete deletion of roles and the associated generated profiles.

Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.

After installing the GUI, the GUI patches should be applied as far as available.

The most important SAP Basis transactions are listed in this article.
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