Security management, system audits, hardening and monitoring
In more complex system environments, thousands, if not tens of thousands, of SAP jobs can run per day. Their interdependencies create a high level of complexity. If administrators or admin teams want to maintain an overview, they have to rely on meaningful monitoring. It must be clear at all times which jobs are running and which are not, in order to ensure proper SAP operation. Ideally, one is informed of critical errors by e-mail or SMS. The trend towards internationalization, outsourcing and mixed operation with on-premise and on-demand systems means that SAP landscapes are often widely distributed. This makes monitoring more difficult and, at the same time, clarity must be maintained. Integrating SAP job management and job requests into a central system, such as SAP Solution Manager, therefore makes sense and is useful for supplementing IT service processes in a meaningful way and accelerating process flows.
SAP HANA has been one of the major topics in the SAP environment for the last few years. Many customers are currently faced with the question of whether or not to migrate your SAP system. In addition to the actual changeover itself, there are many other topics on which you should have already informed yourself in advance, as these influence the success of SAP HANA in your company. What do you already know about SAP HANA? I would like to encourage you to think about security in the following article. If you would like to learn about the architecture of HANA, I recommend a contribution from our colleagues at erlebe Software. SAP HANA Scenario But why are we even talking about HANA Security? Why is it so important to consider new security strategies with the new technology? With HANA it is possible to analyse data quickly. BW scenarios primarily benefit from the in-memory database (IMDB) used, as speed advantages in data access are particularly positive. Compared to a classic ERP / R3 scenario, the normal DB is replaced by HANA. The desired speed advantages result. However, migration is expected to be required for the changeover. This is caused by customer-specific developments in the system. HANA is not a further development of SAP ERP, HANA is the next stage of an ERP system. It is well known that an ERP system contains the capital of the companies. Therefore a new HANA system like all other ERP systems is also interesting for attackers. On the one hand, such a system contains the critical business data that are available for espionage. In addition, most business processes are mapped in such a system and offer an attack surface for sabotage. In addition, users do not initially know the new technology well. This also applies to administrators in the area of a new technology. Attackers quickly gain a dangerous leap of knowledge over these user groups. SAP HANA has a lot of new features, although many existing ones are used by SAP ERP, so there is a risk here.
The presentation layer is the interface to the users. Through a graphical interface, users enter data or interact with data through the applications. This presentation layer exchanges data with the application layer.
You can control the access rights as usual. The big advantage of CMC tab configuration is that you can easily grant or withdraw group access to specific tabs. This gives you the ability to prepare background access permissions and then unlock all permissions by clicking on the CMC tab configuration. On the other hand, this allows you to remove accesses without having to edit any existing permissions. Have you already experienced CMC tab configuration or have questions about the application? I welcome any suggestions you may make as a comment.
Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
If the Support Package implementation stops, you can resume processing at a later time.
If you are now in the list of clients, you can double-click on the respective row to jump into the settings of the respective client.