SAP Basis SM02 System message - SAP Basis

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SM02 System message
Backup concept for the Azure or AWS cloud
What makes using Avantra so interesting is the elimination of manual effort. This frees up SAP technology teams to build new skills.

In order to explain the relationship between TREX and SAP Solution Manager, I would like to ask you a question first. Can you remember when you last used the search help (F4) in SAP, what you were looking for and above all what the search string looked like? Now, the entitlement admin might have looked like this. Any role for a new key-user in the HCM area, but how exactly was that called? Would you Google the same way? - Not much. The Enterprise Search in Solution Manager 7.2 In the SAP Solution Manager, the SAP Enterprise Search provides a comprehensive full-text search. With only one keyword, you can search centrally for all types of documents in the ITSM and ChaRM, such as incidents or changes, via the Fiori Launchpad. If you have added attachments, they will also be searched for the keyword. At a technical level, a special BOL query object is passed to the Enterprise Search, which passes the HANA database and performs a search. What if you don't use the Solution Manager on SAP HANA? Enterprise Search with TREX 7.1 SAP offers the possibility to use Solution Manager 7.2 on another database (AnyDB), for example DB2 or Oracle. In order to use Enterprise Search (also embedded search) in this case, you need the TREX admin tool. This stands for Text Receival and Information Extraction, which basically describes the functionality of the software. The TREXEngine takes the search text in the form of the Query object and provides an intelligent search of keywords and long texts in previously classified documents. Installation and Usage Tips Run the TREX configuration after the basic configuration of the Solution Manager. In SOLMAN_SETUP you will find the Embedded Search scenario, which is the guide for the configuration. In the Process Management scenario, configure the embedded search using the description. Here the object connectors are created and the indexing jobs are started. Both are required to use the solution documentation in conjunction with other components. If you are installing UNIX, make sure that the shared libraries are up-to-date or that they are initially available.
In the default scenario, the support packages in the queue are fully loaded. In the event of an error, you will not be able to resume and complete the playback successfully unless the error(s) are resolved. Prerequisites The queue is already defined. Procedure To set the scenario you want, select Additions Settings. Select the desired scenario. Select Insert Support Package Queue. You can also use this function to restore an aborted commit procedure. The status bar provides information on the progress of the commit and the latest steps of the SAP Patch Manager. During the recording, you may get into the modification comparison (SPDD, SPAU). If you are playing with the default scenario, you must immediately perform the comparison of Dictionary objects (transaction SPDD), whereas when you compare Repository objects (transaction SPAU), you have the choice to skip it first and perform it later (modification comparison [page 22]). The mode is blocked while a Support Package is being introduced. To avoid repeated login, open a second mode before inserting the queue.

Without this provisioning component, adjustments to employee permissions in the respective IT resources would have to be implemented by the relevant system administrators. However, manual provisioning processes are by their very nature a source of errors. If an employee's tasks change, the system administrator should consider all active user accounts when modifying and deleting accounts. A modern IDM system therefore helps companies to keep track of users and their permissions, especially in complex and heterogeneous system landscapes.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP base.

So-called Access Control Lists (ACL) offer a good possibility to secure your gateway in order to exclude unwanted external accesses to the database of the application server.

For this purpose, tools such as ITIL for standardised tasks and the development of IT product and IT service catalogues have already established themselves to the greatest extent possible.
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