SM04 Evaluate user sessions
System Retirement
To add additional permissions for defined groups in the launchpad to PFCG roles, follow the steps described above. This time, you only select a "SAP Fiori tile group" instead of a "SAP Fiori tile catalogue". There are very few differences between permissions. Fiori Eligibility for OData Services The launch authorisation for the OData service stored in the backend from a Fiori app is queried on both the front-end and back-end servers when the application is launched. Therefore, this permission must be added to the appropriate role on both servers. The typical sequence of clicking on a Fiori app in the launchpad triggers the following steps: 1) When selecting the tile, the app Fiori implementation is called 2) The app retrieves dynamic data from the HTTP endpoint of the OData service on the frontend server from 3) An RFC call to the gateway activation of the backend system is followed, retrieving the relevant business logic 4) Now the Fiori permission for the corresponding OData service is queried on the backend 5) If this was successful the appropriate business logic permissions are queried in the OData service. To add the Fiori permission to run a OData service for an app to a role, please perform the following steps: In the PFCG, open the appropriate role in Change mode, perform steps on the following screenshot: 1) Select Menu tab 2) Arrow next to the "Transaction" button click 3) Select Permissions proposal.
Basis is a set of programs and tools that interface with databases, operating systems, communication protocols, and business applications (such as FI, CO, MM, etc). The full form of BASIS is "Business Application Software Integrated Solution".
Creation and implementation of the milieu according to the best SAP practices
Another important example is the reading permission for TemSe objects. The temporary files are often forgotten, because it is often not considered that cached (strictly) sensitive data, which is intended for only one user (owner), can be viewed by another user without permission - and across clients. The examples mentioned show us how important it is to carefully assign permissions for client-independent transactions. Download Transaction tables The transactions that enable the examples above, including certain expressions of the associated permission objects and our recommendations for them, can be found in the file "Critical cross-client permissions" for download. Other client-independent transactions are located in the Cross Clients TCODES file. The criticality of these transactions should be assessed according to the context. I recommend always being careful and keeping these transactions in mind.
Using various user, administration and monitoring tools, the SAP Basis system is controlled and managed by an administrator, who is thus responsible for its trouble-free operation. Many companies hand over these tasks to an external service provider.
Some missing SAP basic functions in the standard are supplied by the PC application "Shortcut for SAP Systems".
The security-related system settings and permissions settings applied to your SAPS systems are poorly documented, which in many cases causes the system settings to allow extensive critical access unchecked.
Find out what this is and how you can use it to better protect your SAP system.