SAP Basis SP02 Output controller: overview of spool requests - SAP Basis

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SP02 Output controller: overview of spool requests
SWEC Events for change document
If all financial and sales activities as well as production, logistics and the personnel administrators run via one system, measures must be taken to ensure reliable functioning on the one hand and to protect the system internally and externally on the other. Due to the long history, the increased availability requirements often do not match the actual protection measures, so that security risks often arise at this point.

It is therefore not unusual for the authorisation allocations to be regularly reviewed in the course of a revision or by external auditors. This is a very laborious process with SAPS standard tools. In this scenario, an authorisation administrator would first have to manually assign each employee to a specific manager and determine their roles. After that, these roles should be exported from the system (for example, to an Excel file) and then submitted to the supervisor so that he can decide whether the role assignment is appropriate or not.
Security management, system audits, hardening and monitoring
Hosting environments and third-party offerings have also contributed to these improvements. Public cloud environments such as Azure and AWS provide a layer of abstraction that eliminates the difficult task of maintaining the hardware that was required with SAP on-premises.

The presentation layer is used to visualize the applications and data for the user. The presentation is done with the help of a graphical user interface (GUI). Furthermore, the presentation view consists of several modules, which are also summarized as SAP GUI. SAP Fiori is the presentation layer of the next generation and is therefore particularly user-friendly.

For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.

Let's look at these layers in more detail below.

SAP Basis is also known as module BC or application Basis.
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