Today, most customers rely on an infrastructure abstraction layer, whether it's VMware or one of the cloud hypervisors. So base administrators need to know how to provision and manage systems in the cloud.
Since innovations through IoT (Internet of Things) or big data scenarios not only affect the SAP basis, but also highlight products and services for customers of their own company, the role of the SAP basis in relation to these scenarios and services must be clearly defined. In general, the SAP basis sees its responsibility here in the connectivity to the corporate network or the enterprise systems, which lie in the responsibility of the SAP basis. The support of the applications, based on the technologies as well as the associated services, is the responsibility of the respective department that offers this service. A SAP-based support service must be agreed and regulated during the conception.
SAP technological consulting
SAP Basis consulting can start with general consulting on SAP deployment and installation and configuration. In addition, the SAP consulting can transition to an external takeover of updates and upgrades of SAP components or even the complete takeover of the administration of the SAP system.
Whenever you find a red traffic light on the Roles tab in the user master in SU01 - or a yellow traffic light on the Users tab in PFCG, you can usually solve the problem with a simple user synchronization. The fact that such a user adjustment is necessary can have several reasons. Among others: after a role transport to / when assigning users to roles via PFCG after restricting the validity of roles to users when roles are assigned indirectly via organizational management. Users usually notice the problem of a user comparison that has not been carried out quite quickly: Authorizations are missing, although at first glance they are available in the assigned authorization roles. This is because a user is assigned the correct authorization role - but the profile associated with the role is not up to date.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that greatly facilitates some tasks in the SAP basis.
Honico Batchman is such a solution, a 100% SAP integrated AddOn, which is quickly and easily installed via normal transports.
Error in SPAM Steps [Page 31] View Status Use You can view the one-game status and status of your system with respect to Support Packages.