Technological basis for SAP Fiori (SAP Gateway)
The SAP Security for Administrators training block covers the basics of security when using SAP systems. Participants receive training in basic security measures in the form of prevention and monitoring.
The application layer is the central component of the SAP R/3 system. This layer is therefore also referred to by SAP as the actual base system. Within the layer there are application servers and a message server.
Automatic error handling when a job is aborted is desirable and useful in most cases. The conscious processing and consideration of error situations in job chains - also at step level - can help to reduce manual effort. Error situations should be catchable: If they are non-critical elements, the following job can perhaps be started anyway. In the case of critical errors, a new attempt should be made or an alert issued so that an administrator can intervene manually. Simple batch jobs are usually not capable of this. The goal of an automated environment is not to have to react manually to every faulty job.
Every SAP system architecture is as individual as the company itself. Full planning, including hardware sizing, is therefore essential. These services are included here:
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP base.
SAP Fiori is the next generation presentation layer - a user experience (UX) that is particularly simple and user-friendly.
Tasks that involve little complexity and yet cannot be automated should also be checked for the possibility of outtasking to relieve the internal SAP basis.