To inherit SAP permissions with different organisational levels
Training - Administration SAP HANA
After your user has the necessary permissions for the SQL Editor, perform the following steps: Call the DBACOCKPIT transaction. Open the following folder structure in Database Administration: Performance -> Additional Functions -> SQL Command Editor Enter your first query in the input query. Then click Run or alternatively press F8 View of the DBA Cockpit Invoke the input query and drop the first SQL query View the results of a query to query the users of a system.
Reduce resources: depending on the agreement of the contract, you can ask for the service resources only when needed. This will save you some costs.
In every company with an SAP system, there is someone who is responsible for the SAP Basis. This person ensures the trouble-free operation of the SAP system. He or she accompanies maintenance work and intervenes in special situations, such as poor performance. Even for companies that hand over the operation of the basis to an external service provider, there are often still tasks from the user and authorization management environment at this point.
The core of the three-layer model is the application layer. This consists of one or more application servers and a message server. Companies use the application server to provide services for the operation of applications in SAP. The message server serves as an "intermediary" between the applications and services, for example, by controlling communication between the individual application servers and determining the load on the application servers. Furthermore, the data is prepared for the user in the application view so that the user can call up the data visually in the presentation layer. At the same time, the user data is forwarded to the database.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
These settings affect the behaviour of downloading and loading support packages of the different types equally.
A BW system often plays a very central role in larger companies.