SAP Basis Transport management - SAP Basis

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Transport management
SQ03 User group maintenance
Basis is a set of programs and tools that interface with databases, operating systems, communication protocols, and business applications (such as FI, CO, MM, etc). The full form of BASIS is "Business Application Software Integrated Solution".

Cross-client tables can be modified. The control system of another, productive client can thus be undermined and undermined. Quite a lot of power! Did you also know that the SAP system provides a feature that deletes table change protocols (DBTA BLOG table) and that it is effective across all clients? If the table change logs have not been additionally archived via the BC_DBLOGS archiving object, traceability is no longer available. That way, every criminal act within your company can be beautifully covered up. Similarly, full access to batch management allows you to manage all background jobs in all clients with the permission. This allows you to delete old background jobs that have gone unauthorised. There are also some points to consider when managing print jobs. Typically, the following two SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print jobs: S_SPO_DEV (spooler device permissions) S_SPO_ACT (spooler actions). Why? Confidential information in print jobs is not protected against unauthorised disclosure. (Strictly) sensitive print jobs can be read unauthorised or redirected to external printers and printed out. Print jobs are unprotected unless additional SAP access permissions are enabled to protect print output. The print jobs are multi-tenant, which means that the authorisation award should also be well thought through at the point.
ST06 Operating System Monitor
With simple job programming, you can start in clear environments with few dependencies. If the number of jobs and the complexity increases, an automatic job control is a good choice. Honico Batchman is such a solution, a 100% SAP integrated AddOn, which is quickly and easily installed via normal transports. The advantage here is that no additional infrastructure is required; instead, the existing SAP system landscape is used for the entire control and execution without incurring a loss in performance. This also ensures full audit and operational security (compliance). Since pure SAP systems are rather the exception, non-SAP systems can also be controlled and monitored. As a third option, high-end solutions are available that additionally monitor the infrastructure and legacy. Widely used products in this segment are UC4 and Arvato Streamworks. These three solution options differ significantly in terms of price and scope of services. IT departments in companies must therefore evaluate which solution is best suited to their own requirements.

The results of the tests can be documented so that the development can be considered over a period of time. This way, you will be aware of the revision and of the relevant issues before the examination.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.

The size of the Support Package allows you to estimate the time it takes to load.

Among other things, it is checked that the queue has been fully processed.
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