SAP Basis Use of Secure Network Communication - SAP Basis

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Use of Secure Network Communication
OData Services
SAP Basis Administration Batch Control Job Control A large proportion of batch jobs run at night, while IT systems are available for dialog and online applications during the day. Meanwhile, web applications demand computer capacity around the clock. Even dialog systems are no longer in operation only from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., but between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. or longer. The time window for administration tasks is increasingly shifting toward transaction processing. This leaves less and less time for mission-critical batches, which can lead to disruptions and terminations. Whereas batch processing used to be a mainframe domain, companies today usually have to control background processing in heterogeneous operating system environments and client-server applications. For this reason, cross-platform, integration-capable job schedulers that can respond to unplanned events are in demand.

The application layer is the core of an R/3 SAP Basis system. This layer communicates in both directions, to the presentation layer and to the database layer. The application programs on the application servers request the required data from the database layer, process it, prepare it for the user and pass it on to the presentation layer. Data that the user enters in the SAP GUI is passed on to the database via the application servers.
SAP performance optimization
Of course, the SAP consultant remains in the foreground as a person and is the figurehead for our services. However, where it makes sense, they are supported by customized tools.

If the additional memory in the Advanced Storage Area is still not sufficient for the user context, the optional second role area can be used. The size of the second roll range is determined by the difference between the parameters ztta/roll_first and ztta/roll_area. Rolling range has been eliminated in kernel release 7.4, so these parameters are obsolete from then on. Instead, the user context is now stored directly in the Advanced Memory.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.

OBJECTS_LOCKED_? This step checks to see if there are any objects left in unreleased jobs that will be overwritten during the commit.

This saves disk space and is enabled in the default setting.
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