SAP Basis Utilities for monitoring and managing databases - SAP Basis

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Utilities for monitoring and managing databases
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For existing solutions, it is necessary to assess to what extent the solution is customised. A modification is the more serious the more time-consuming the maintenance is, including testing, e.g. in the case of upgrades. The fewer customer specifications are available, the more suitable a system or application is for external operation by a service form to be chosen.

Therefore, there can also be critical permissions, profiles, and roles that do not fit in the naming scheme defined by SAP. Manual identification of critical SAP permissions is difficult overall. However, tools are available that automatically check for critical permissions. In this case, the critical SAP permissions are usually predefined by special verification software. If the critical permissions, profiles, and roles are identified, they should be adjusted according to the permission planning. The system will then be checked to see if the desired system behaviour has been achieved or if malfunctions occur. This adjustment process may be complex in the event of major changes and should not be carried out on the production system.
Hard skills and soft skills
In earlier product generations, databases from various third-party providers were used - primarily Oracle and Microsoft SQL. However, this has changed with the introduction of the new database generation SAP HANA.

Before SAP HANA was released, there was no SAP database - you had to install SAP ERP (or the application you were using) on a third-party database, such as Oracle or SQL Server. SAP developed the HANA database to fully leverage the power of SAP's next-generation S/4 software.

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