SAP Basis We support you in the following tasks: - SAP Basis

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We support you in the following tasks:
SP01 Output control: spool requests
In the past, when we deployed SAP environments, we first had to work out a detailed sizing and architecture and pass it on to the procurement team, which then ordered the systems and installed them in the data center. From there, it went on to the network team, the storage team, the operating system team, and the database team. So it was not uncommon for three to six months to pass between the architecture design and the installation of a new SAP system.

The tasks of an SAP Basis administrator are management and administration of SAP systems. In practice, it means taking responsibility for the maintenance environment of the systems, their cooperation, updating, solving user problems and efficiency issues (concerning the network, databases or operating systems), backup copies and architecture. Another task of this position is also to follow new market trends and propose solutions compliant with them.
AL08 System-wide list of user sessions
SAP Basis consultants are experts in consulting. The job of an SAP Basis consultant has many areas of responsibility such as:

In the context of the SAP basis, the deployment of an SAP application server for any SAP system can be used as an example. Parameters include processor count, memory, disk space, operating system, and run-time environment.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes many tasks in the area of the SAP basis much easier.

However, SAP software has changed a lot since the introduction of HANA in 2010, and with that, the SAP system administrator's job has changed as well.

In addition to purely administrative tasks, SAP administrators are also responsible for communication tasks.
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