SAP Basis Weighing up: SAP CPS, ABAP job solution or external solution? - SAP Basis

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Weighing up: SAP CPS, ABAP job solution or external solution?
SAP job control
The technology architect is well acquainted with the company's core business, has business process and project management expertise. As part of its activities, the technology architect does not exercise project management or project management. He develops and develops strategies and solutions in coordination with higher authorities, IT departments and also business units. It defines requirements for the implementation and operation, which it aligns with the operator or with the necessary expression of the Subject Matter Expert. He also takes care of new technologies in his field of activity and is thus a driver of innovation and a catalyst from a technical point of view. He also acts as a contact for enterprise architects in the company. However, this role will be much more coordinated in the future. The range of tasks will therefore increase in width. An additional requirement in the future will be the understanding of company policy.

The consistent implementation of the role concept enables a manageable complexity of the tasks per employee. At the same time, through the respective SMEs, the concept creates expertise in specific topics and enables communication on an equal footing with upstream or downstream IT departments as well as with external service providers. The establishment of technology architects also ensures that the overall picture is not left out of sight in the context of the SAP product portfolio. Deficits can also be addressed on issues such as policies and security. Overall, the role concept provides guidance for the employees and their career planning as well as guidance regarding the range of tasks and contacts for IT departments and business areas.
RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor
Better technologies have expanded the role of SAP Basis Administrators, paralleling the IT industry as a whole. It's no longer enough to keep the system running and performing well. An SAP HANA Basis Administrator also plays a role in cost control, IT strategy and even business policy.

Protect: CodeProfiler for ABAP protects the SAP system from internal and external attacks from the first day of deployment. The ABAP firewall can be set up within a very short time and immediately checks every new transport request when it is released. Optimize: The audit function of CodeProfiler for ABAP specifically determines which programs are most threatened and should therefore be cleaned up first. In the long term, CodeProfiler for ABAP supports the automated correction of all findings and thus enables the timely closure of security gaps in all programs.

"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP base.

With this blog post I would like to provide a little insight into exactly this area of work.

You may also need to reset the status of a Support Package [page 36].
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