Assignment of roles
User Information System (SUIM)
In practice, the main problem is the definition of content: The BMF letter remains very vague here with the wording "tax relevant data". In addition, there is the challenge of limiting access to the audited financial years.
Add SAP Note 1433352 to your system. This note ships with the RSAUDIT_SYSTEM_STATUS report. This report documents the current status of the Client and System Modification Settings in an overview, which you can also print out for evaluation if required. The advantage of this report is that pure display permissions are necessary to execute it.
Authorization concepts in SAP systems
We advise you not to use the self-set password with a self-service as a generated password is more secure. The password is generated depending on the password rules; This is done by first evaluating the settings in the security policy assigned to the user. If no security policy has been assigned to the user, the system will consider the password rules in the profile parameters and in the customising table PRNG_CUST. In order for the associated security policy to be considered, you may need to include the correction provided with SAP Note 1890833. Remember that the BAPI_USER_CHANGE function block does not automatically unlock the user. In the event of a lock-out due to incorrect logins, you still have to unlock the user using the BAPI_USER_UNLOCK.
Now, if you want to use the debugger, you can set a Session Breakpoint directly from the source code via the button. Once you call the application and reach the relevant point in your code, the debugger starts and you can move through the programme step by step. Make sure to set external breakpoints via the button if you are calling your application via the browser rather than via SAP GUI.
For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.
On this basis, determine which organisational characteristics (organisational levels, but also cost centres, organisational units, etc.) represent which parts of the organisation.
At the latest, if it is no longer possible to clearly define which transactions should be included in which roles and which roles a user requires, a correction is necessary.