SAP Authorizations Authorization concept - SAP Basis

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Authorization concept
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In the foreground, important SAP reports on the subject of role and authorization administration were presented. Since these and the entire SAP system are known to be based on ABAP coding, the analysis of the source code is just as important, especially when using in-house developments. These in-house developments often present serious security vulnerabilities because they have insufficient authorization checks in the coding. To search for explicit strings and to categorize the in-house developments accordingly, the report RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN can be used. This allows existing programs in the backend to be explicitly checked for specific check patterns by the authorization administrator and any errors to be corrected by the relevant developers. Authorization-relevant check patterns for such a scan are, for example, "AUTHORITY-CHECK" or SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE. The former checks whether authorization checks are present in the source code at all. The check for Open SQL patterns analyzes the code structure for direct SELECT, MODIFY or INSERT statements that must be avoided or protected on the authorization side. The best practice measure in this case is to use SAP BAPIs. The preventive best practice would be to involve developers and authorization administrators equally during the conceptual design of the custom development.

You will be aware that you do not necessarily have to move in the Customer Name Room when assigning names of PFCG roles and therefore have a lot of freedom. The only limitation here is that you may not use the namespace of the roles that are interpreted by SAP. First, you must agree on the form of the names. A fundamental decision is to define the language in which the PFCG roles must be maintained. Although this does not necessarily have an influence on the role name, since it is the same in all languages, you will certainly have descriptive elements in your role name. The role description and the long text are also depending on the language. It is therefore useful to start the roles in the language which is also used most frequently, and also to cultivate the descriptive texts first in this language. If roles are required in different languages, you can translate the texts.
Use system recommendations to introduce security
When creating the PFCG individual roles in the respective SAP system, you should create the menu structure so that they can be combined with other individual roles in a single role. Once you have created the individual roles with the correct role menu, you can assign them to a collection role. Add the Role Menu to the Collect Roll using the Read Menu button. The menu can now be finally sorted. If changes to the roll menu are necessary, however, you must first make them in the individual rolls and then remix them in the roll roll (using the Mix button, see figure next page above). Transactions from other SAP systems such as SAP CRM, SAP SCM etc. can also be integrated into the NWBC. To do this, you first create the PFCG role for the relevant transactions in the target system. From the individual roles you can create collection roles with a defined menu structure.

The audit result lists the vulnerabilities by priority, with a high priority combined with a high hit safety of a finding and a low priority combined with low hit safety. In addition, more information is available within the ABAP editor at each location. This priority indicator helps you to identify whether a false positive or an actual security problem is present. Priorities 1 and 2 are very likely to be a genuine reference. The tool provides recommendations on how to modify the source code to correct the vulnerabilities. In addition to the individual checks for individual developers, the tool also offers mass checks, for example to check an entire application for vulnerabilities in one step.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

This also applies to internal expiration procedures (such as background jobs) because you do not need to register a password.

It takes too long to read out the User and Permissions Management change notes? With a good archiving concept, you can improve performance.
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