Authorization concept - user administration process
Read the old state and match with the new data
First, the Web application developers must implement appropriate permission checks and make PFCG available for use in role maintenance in the transaction. This includes the maintenance of proposed values in the transaction SU22. The SAP Note 1413012 (new reusable startup authorisation check) provides all the necessary details.
When defining the development policy, you should ensure that the appropriate attention is paid to access security. Customised programmes or customisations in the SAP Code Inspector ensure that all developers working in the company comply with these guidelines. Verification of compliance with the development directives should be an essential part of quality assurance before the programmes are used productively. The SE38 and SA38 transactions should not be allocated in the productive system and custom programmes should be included in own transaction codes. Permissions are then set up only for these transactions.
Restrict Application Server Login
You are using the SAP_ALL profile for interface users, and after upgrading to a new Support Package, do you get permission errors? While we cannot recommend using the SAP_ALL profile, we describe how you can resolve this problem in the short term. In newer SAP NetWeaver releases, the SAP_ALL profile no longer contains permissions for the S_RFCACL authorization object. This can lead to permission errors, such as for interface users who have the SAP_ALL profile assigned to them. Please note that we can only recommend using the SAP_ALL profile for absolute emergency users. Therefore, instead of applying this tip, you should preferably clear the permissions of your interface users. To learn how to do this, see Tip 27, "Define S_RFC permissions using usage data." However, such a cleanup of the privileges of your interface users cannot happen overnight. Therefore, we will explain how to resolve the issue in the short term.
Alternatively, you can maintain this information from the SE93 transaction by selecting a transaction first. You will then be presented with the list of all transactions that can be called from this transaction by using the Tools > Called Transaction Permission menu path. The implementation of SAP Note 1870622 provides a feature enhancement for the SE97 transaction. Among other things, there is the new button Modification Synchronisation. So far, changes in the SE97 transaction have been overwritten by inserting support packages or upgrades. With the modification comparison it is now possible to match your changes with the default values.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
The effort increases if the current role assignments are not transparent and optimally structured.
The SAP authorization concept protects transactions, programs, services and information in SAP systems against unauthorized access.