Authorization object documentation
Use SAP Code Vulnerability Analyser
When defining the development policy, you should ensure that the appropriate attention is paid to access security. Customised programmes or customisations in the SAP Code Inspector ensure that all developers working in the company comply with these guidelines. Verification of compliance with the development directives should be an essential part of quality assurance before the programmes are used productively. The SE38 and SA38 transactions should not be allocated in the productive system and custom programmes should be included in own transaction codes. Permissions are then set up only for these transactions.
If you only want to translate the description of the role, it is recommended to record the PFCG transaction and to change the source language of the role using the Z_ROLE_SET_MASTERLANG report before the LSMW script runs through. The report on how to change the source language can be found in SAP Note 854311. Similarly, you can use the SECATT (Extended Computer Aided Test Tool, eCATT) transaction to perform the translation instead of the LSMW transaction.
Implementing Permissions Concept Requirements
If the authorization objects also require permission fields, you can create them in the SU20 transaction. When creating a authorization object in the SU21 transaction, you first set a name and description for the authorization object, and then assign it to an object class. Then assign the necessary permission fields. If any of these fields are ACTVT, you can select all of the activities to be checked by clicking the Activities button. The navigation behaviour has been improved here a lot.
You can assign a Table or Care View to a table through the SE11 transaction or SE54 transaction. This mapping is defined as a customising setting and therefore remains in place after a release change. You can assign a table to a table permission group by using the SE11 transaction by selecting your table in the start image and pressing the Display button.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
In the back-end system, then again - analogous to the "old" world - about a role, which is built in the profile generator and maintained on object and field level, or set.
This data can be displayed using transaction ST03N, for example.