Background processing
Maintenance Status
Roles can be assigned to users directly through user management in the SU01 transaction, role maintenance in the PFCG transaction, or mass change of users in the SU10 transaction. However, if the employee changes his or her position in the company, the old roles must be removed and new roles assigned according to the new activities. Because PFCG roles are created to represent job descriptions, you can use organisational management to assign roles to users based on the post, job, etc.
Since developer authorizations correspond to full authorization, they should only be assigned restrictively. This applies above all to the authorization for "debugging with replace" (see "Law-critical authorizations"). The risk of incorrectly assigned developer authorizations has also increased due to the elimination of additional protection via developer and object keys in S/4 HANA systems (see, among other things, SAP Note 2309060). Developer authorizations for original SAP objects should therefore only be granted here upon request in order to avoid unauthorized modifications. If developer keys are still relevant in the existing SAP release, the existing developer keys in table DEVACCESS should first be checked and compared with the users intended for development.
Use Custom Permissions
The authorization objects are attached by analogy to the forecast and item-based reports. The authorization objects of the item-based reports are checked in addition to the authorization objects for the information system when the report is selected. There is a trick in maintaining the CO-PA-specific authorization objects, because a once selected result area is set for the entire session of your login. This is of course hindering the maintenance of authorization objects for different result areas. Therefore, simply change the result area in the Customising window using the following path: Controlling > Income and market segment accounting > Structures > Set result area.
A mass rolling out of rolls is a very useful thing. It is also possible to use Excel-based data - as in the case of the outlined application case with eCATT - because it is a one-time action for the roles considered and SAP standard programmes are used in the background. However, ongoing maintenance of the permissions system, with continuous changes to roles and their detail permissions, requires the mapping of much more complex operations. An exclusive control over Office programmes should be well considered. This does not mean, of course, that there are not very good partner products for the care of roles. Simply verify that SAP standard procedures are used and that authorisation is managed in accordance with SAP best practices.
The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".
Please note that depending on the results of the RSUSR003 report, a system log message of type E03 is generated.
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