Checking at Program Level with AUTHORITY-CHECK
Manual authorizations
Note that the S_TCODE authorization object is always filled with the current transactions from the roles menu. If organisational levels are also included that are no longer required, they will be automatically deleted. If, however, organisational levels are added depending on the transaction, they should be maintained first in the eligibility maintenance.
Likewise, in addition to a statutory publication of the balance sheet and P&L (profit and loss) statement, internal evaluations can also be created. SAP FI has direct interfaces to other modules, such as HR or SD. For the Internet release of reports, it is necessary that an authorization group has been maintained for the respective report.
Audit Information System Cockpit
Standard permissions required for a functionally fully descriptive role should be maintained accordingly. It is recommended to disable and not delete unneeded permissions, or even entire permission branches. Permissions that have been set to Inactive status are not reinstated as new permissions in the permission tree when they are reshuffled, and those permissions are not included in the profile generation process, and thus are not assigned to a role in the underlying profile.
You use the RSUSR010 report and you do not see all transaction codes associated with the user or role. How can that be? The various reports of the user information system (SUIM) allow you to evaluate the users, permissions and profiles in the SAP system. One of these reports, the RSUSR010 report, shows you all executable transactions for a user, role, profile, or permission. Users of the report are often unsure about what this report actually displays, because the results do not necessarily correspond to the eligible transactions. Therefore, we clarify in the following which data are evaluated for this report and how these deviations can occur.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
You can now enter this selection directly.
This transaction is intended for migration tasks, but is also very well suited to allow a particular transaction to be repeated and automated.