SAP Authorizations Conclusion and outlook - SAP Basis

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Conclusion and outlook
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The SAP authorization concept protects transactions, programs, services and information in SAP systems against unauthorized access. Based on the authorization concept, the administrator assigns users the authorizations that determine the actions this user can perform in the SAP system after logging on and being authenticated.

Until now, there were no ways to define different password rules or password change requirements for these users. Today, this is possible with the security guidelines that you assign to users and clients. In the following we will show you how to define security policies and how they work.
Using eCATT to maintain roles
Customer and vendor totals statements: The Customer or Vendor Accounting Sum. Rate Tables (KNC1/KNC3 or LFC1/LFC3) do not include the Profit Centre field. Therefore, authorisation control with regard to the profit centre is not possible for evaluations such as the customer and vendor balance lists (transactions FD10N or FK10N).

If you manage your SAP system landscape via the Central User Administration (ZBV), you must insert SAP Note 1663177 into both the ZBV system and all attached subsidiary systems. In this case, also note that the default user group will be assigned in the daughter systems if no user group has been distributed during the user's installation from the ZBV. In addition, you will receive an error message in the SCUL transaction stating that a user group must be assigned to the user (via the ZBV headquarters). This behaviour is independent of the settings of the distribution parameters for the user group in the SCUM transaction. If you have set the distribution parameters for the user group to Global or Redistribution, the appropriate subsidiary system will reject the changes made to users that do not have a user group in the Central System, and you will receive an error message in the SCUL transaction.

Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.

Well-maintained suggestion values are extremely helpful for creating PFCG roles.

Instead, you can generate your PFCG role SAP_NEW by using the REGENERATE_SAP_NEW report.
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