Create permissions for customising
Use SAP_NEW correctly
In the simulation overview you will now receive all the information you already know from the authorisation maintenance in the transaction PFCG. The results are presented in a table where each row corresponds to a value interval of a permission. The Object column specifies the authorization object. Use the Active/Inactive column to determine if the permission has been disabled. The Maintenance Status and Update Status columns provide information about the status of the permission and how the permission has been updated. In the Permissions Comparison column, you can find out what exactly changed on the permission, such as whether a permission has been deleted or added anew, or whether the field values in the permission have been updated. You can find information about the field values in the Value Comparison column, which shows whether values have remained the same, whether they have been added or deleted. The values that were actually deleted and added can be seen in the columns from Value to Value (see figure next page). Please note that this is only a simulation. You must still perform the actual mixing process in the permission maintenance. Because reel mixing is not only a factor in upgrade work, the transaction SUPC also provides the ability to call this simulation mode. In the overview of the selected rolls you will find the button Mix which simulates the mixing process.
Only adding an authorization object via SU24 does not automatically result in a check within the transaction. The developer has to include an authorization check exactly for this object in the program code.
Insert SAP Notes 1656965 and 1793961 into your system. With these hints, the report RSUSR_LOCK_USERS is delivered or extended. This report supports automatic selection and blocking of inactive users. To do this, you have to select the criteria in the selection screen of the RSUSR_LOCK_USERS report, according to which you want to lock or invalidate users. You can determine the choice of users by using various criteria. It is recommended to take into account the period since the last login in the Days since last login field and the password status in the Days since password change field. You have the option to check the result of the selection and view the users found. To do this, select the Test of Selection action in the Select Action pane. You can also choose between the User Lock-outs (Local Lock-outs) and User Unlock (Local Lock-outs) actions in this area. You can set the end of a user's validity by clicking the corresponding options for "today" or "yesterday". Note that you can only set the validity for current users.
The AIS cockpit is currently in pilot delivery without SAP default audit structures. Once these are available, they are listed in SAP Note 1856125. Prior to the re-conversion of the AIS to thematic audit structures, the AIS standard roles of the role-based care environment were copied into the customer name space and assigned to the users. You can also use the AIS default roles as a template for custom area menus.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
If the proliferation has arisen because there are errors and gaps in the authorization concept, these errors must be identified, eliminated and the authorizations optimized.
We will show you below how to search for users with password or administrator lock or exclude them from your selection.