SAP Authorizations Customise SAP_ALL Profile Contents - SAP Basis

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Customise SAP_ALL Profile Contents
The Anatomy of SAP Authorization or Documentation on SAP Authorization Objects and Authorization Field Values
Regardless of whether you select the degree of simplification COARS = 1 or 2, you should not enter * or SAPDBPNP (programme name of logical database PNP) in the REPID field. With these values, you allow access to the logical databases SAPDBPNP and SAPDBPAP and thus to all contained root data.

An SAP authorization concept is used to map relevant legal standards and internal company regulations to the technical protection options within an SAP system. Authorization concepts are thus the key to optimal protection of your system, both externally and internally.
User Management
In this case, please note that you may need to replace the SS table permission group with other table permission groups. This is required if you have entered a different table permission group when maintaining the table permission groups, for example, for the T000 table.

Transaction SE63 allows you to translate a variety of text in the SAP system. You can find the texts relevant to the permission roles by going to the Translation > ABAP Objects > Short Texts menu. In the Object Type Selection pop-up window that appears, select the S3 ABAP Texts node and select the ACGR Roles sub-point. You can now select the role in the following screen. You must note that the system expects the client to be prefixed, and the next step allows you to maintain the chunk in the target language. The variable AGR_TEXTS 00002 corresponds to the description of the role and the variable AGR_HIERT_TEXT 00001 corresponds to the description of the transactions contained therein. After you have saved the entry, the description of the role is also maintained in the target language, in our example in the English language and visible after the login. Select the source language correctly in the field.

However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".

However, you should always exercise caution and check whether the application has already created sum records or whether there are other dependencies.

An SAP Query is essentially a clear way to scan tables for specific data away from the SE16 transaction.
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