Ensuring secure administration
Set up permission to access Web Dynpro applications using S_START
The permission check for the S_PATH object is performed as described only for files corresponding to a path with a permission group in the SPTH table. In our example, you should grant permission for the S_PATH object with the value FILE in the FS_BRGRU field to access files with the path /tmp/myfiles*. Note that the authorization object only distinguishes two types of access. These two values summarise the access types of the S_DATASET authorization object. The value Modify corresponds to the values Delete, Write, and Write with Filter; the value View corresponds to Read and Read with Filter.
No matter what the reason, it is quickly said that a new authorization concept is needed. But this is not always the case. And if it is, the question is which authorization concept in SAP HCM is the right one. Yes, exactly which concept, because in SAP HCM there are three ways to implement an authorization concept.
Create order through role-based permissions
This also implies that the change documents must be kept in Excel. The Excel file must not be lost or damaged.
A text file is now created under the appropriate path, containing the desired format with the input parameters. Open the data with Microsoft Excel and set your target value list. To do so, delete the line *ECATTDEFAULT. In the VARIANT column, you can simply use a sequential numbering. Save the file in text format, not in any Excel format.
During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.
Today, this is possible with the security guidelines that you assign to users and clients.
Therefore, we always recommend that you match the transactions you have considered with the favourites stored in your system.