Permissions with Maintenance Status Used
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The permissions on database objects show you the details of the user's permissions to access the object. In the following example, the MODELING role includes permission to use the _SYS_BI object with the EXECUTE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges. In addition, a user assigned this role is not allowed to pass these privileges on to other users (Grantable to Others). Our role as an example also includes Analytical Privileges and Package Privileges, which are not discussed here.
SOS reports can be very comprehensive. In particular, if the Whitelists are not yet maintained, reporting volumes of up to 200 pages are not uncommon. Do not be discouraged in such a case, but start by cleaning up a manageable amount of critical SOS results. You can then edit the further results in several rounds. The AGS recommends which critical SOS results you should consider first; You can find these in the AGS Security Services Master slide set in the SAP Service Marketplace Media Library.
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In the SAP system, passwords are locked when the maximum number of allowed password login errors is reached. This counter is reset with a password each time you successfully log in. In addition, an initial password can be locked when its validity has expired. Both the validity of the initial password and the maximum value for password login errors are set using profile parameters. For details, see Tip 4, "Set password parameters and valid passwords characters". A password lock only prevents a user from logging in via his password, because the number of errors is only evaluated if the login is done by password. If a login is now made via other authentication methods (such as SSO), these are not affected by the password lock. This also applies to internal expiration procedures (such as background jobs) because you do not need to register a password. This prevents, for example, denial-of-service attacks, which first cause a password to be locked in order to block internal processes. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regel gibt es allerdings: Auch wenn andere Authentifizierungsverfahren genutzt werden, prüft das System, ob der Benutzer dazu in der Lage ist, sich mit einem Passwort anzumelden. Wenn dies der Fall ist und das Passwort gerade geändert werden muss, wird diese Änderung vom Benutzer abgefragt. Diese Abfrage können Sie aber auch mithilfe des Profilparameters login/password_change_for_SSO ausschalten.
After clicking on this button, you will see the current ZBV status in the area of the same name and can release the selected system from the ZBV via the Run button. ZBV is no longer active for this subsidiary system. To avoid inconsistencies in the user master kits, you must reconcile the users in the daughter system after the ZBV is activated. You can do this in the transaction SCUG and transfer user data from the subsidiary system to the central system. Information on the technical requirements can be found in SAP Note 962457. To disable the ZBV completely, use the RSDELCUA report or the Delete button in the transaction SCUA. With this function you have the possibility to delete either only certain subsidiary systems from the ZBV or the complete ZBV.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
Then it is only possible to execute the report in the central client.
Since March 2013, the RSECNOTE report has only been very restricted and therefore contains only a few new safety recommendations.