SAP Authorizations RSUSRAUTH - SAP Basis

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Detect critical base permissions that should not be in application roles
However, it is possible to include the same role in several tasks of different operators within each contract. This increases transparency for you, because all participants can instantly identify which users are editing the role. Before you enable the use of the SCC4 transaction setting for role maintenance, you should release existing role transports to avoid recording conflicts. As a rule, you do not choose the setting depending on your role-care processes; So you have to think very carefully about what the activation will do.

Numbers/reminders: The payment and/or collection procedure shall be managed solely on the basis of information from the collection perspective (in particular Table BSEG). For customer and vendor transactions, the Profit Centre is not included in the SAP journal masks by default, and is therefore not available on the appropriate BSEG document lines. Since numbers and warnings are usually centrally controlled processes, this should not be a problem in practice.
On the other hand one can call the system trace over the transaction ST01. Here it is possible to set individual filters for the checks. In addition, you can switch off the trade via the "Trace off" button or the F8 key and switch the trace back on via the "Trace on" button that is then displayed or the F7 key. If you click on the button "Evaluation" or the F2 key, you can display the evaluation.

Make your IMG projects more secure. We show you how to create customising permissions for individual projects or project views, thereby limiting access. With the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG), there is a tool that allows you to customise your SAP system to suit your business needs. You can manage access to projects in the IMG via customising permissions and thus limit the user circle. You grant the members of an SAP project team the permissions they need to support the project. Below we show you how to create customising permissions by mapping to the IMG projects.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

In addition, the origin of the profile can no longer be traced afterwards.

The profile generator uses only the values of the transaction SU24 in your customer environment as a data base.
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