SAP Authorizations RSUSRAUTH - SAP Basis

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System Settings
Create a message to be displayed to the user when permissions checks fail. The tests in this User-Exit are relatively free. This allows you to read table entries, store data from the ABAP application's memory, or read data that is already there. However, you are limited by the interface parameters of the application. In our example, these are the BKPF and BSEG structures and the system variables. If the information from the interface parameters is not sufficient for the test, you can use your programming skills and knowledge about the interdependencies of substitution and validation in finance to find additional data. The following coding allows you to identify the selected offset document entries that you can find in the POSTAB table (with the RFOPS structure) in the SAPMF05A programme. This way you can find many additional data. It is important that the supporting programme processes the User-Exits.

Other project settings should be defined on the Scope, Project Views, Project Employees, Status Values, Keywords, Document Types, Transport Orders, and Cross Reference tabs. After all entries have been made, you must secure the project. Do not forget to generate the project. The SPRO transaction allows you to edit the newly created customising project. The first call does not display the newly created project. To view it, click the Record button in the Work Inventory ( ), select your project, and then confirm your selection. After you have successfully created, generated, or edited the project, you will perform the PFCG transaction to create a customising role for the project. Select a name for the role, and then click Create Single Role. Now open the Menu tab and follow the path: Tools > Customising Permissions > Add > Insert Customising Activities. Then choose between IMG Project and View of an IMG Project. All transaction codes are added from the IMG project to the Role menu. Note that this can be a very large number of transactions and can therefore take longer. You can then use the Permissions tab to express the authorization objects as usual. Back up and generate the role.
Dialogue user
When creating the permission concept, a naming convention is defined for PFCG roles. Every customer has his own preferences or specifications, which must be adhered to. According to our project experience, some naming conventions are particularly attractive. Naming conventions for PFCG roles can be very diverse. You will have noticed that even the roles provided by SAP do not correspond to a uniform naming convention. So there are roles whose names start with SAP_. There are also roles, such as for the SRM system, that start with the /SAPSRM/ namespace. In this tip we would like to give you some hints and criteria that you can use to help define a naming convention of PFCG roles.

You have read that it is possible to perform mass activities, such as mass roll-offs, using standard means. This is all too complicated for you, and you are still looking for simple solutions for role maintenance? I'm sure you'll have a look at tools from SAP partners that promise to help. In this context, we would like to give you some more information in this tip. There is a very practical occasion: We have too often found a "broken" authorisation system with SAP customers, caused by the incorrect application of additional programmes. Sometimes, the role content was misaligned and the suggestion values were not neatly maintained, so at some point the permission administrators couldn't figure out what to do. Therefore, you should check very well whether the tool you are considering is actually suitable for your purposes.

The possibility of assigning authorizations during the go-live can be additionally secured by using "Shortcut for SAP systems".

If you want to set up a new client or take over the movement data of the productive system in a development system, you should also consider the modification documents.

In this security policy, you then set the policy attribute SERVER_LOGON_PRIVILEGE to 1.
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