User Information System (SUIM)
Default permissions already included
Which applications have similar or identical features? Use application search to find out. Suppose you want to allow access to certain data for specific users or revisors. An auditor can usually view the contents of defined tables; However, in order not to give the auditor permission to use the generic table tools, such as the SE16, SM30 transactions, etc. , you need to verify that the relevant tables may be provided through other transactions. The actual function of the alternative application should not be used.
Structural authorizations have a so-called root object, i.e. a starting point and an associated evaluation path. The organization chart of the company is stored in SAP HCM. This makes it possible to see how which positions are linked to each other. If a specific piece of information about an employee is required, it can be read out via a path. At the end there is a list of objects.
Basic administration
At the latest, if it is no longer possible to clearly define which transactions should be included in which roles and which roles a user requires, a correction is necessary. It must be clear which rights are required for the individual tasks in the system.
When considering the security of SAP transport landscapes, it is not only the production system that is relevant for auditing. The other systems, including the development systems, must also be included in the risk considerations. The SAP_ALL profile is still frequently used there instead of concrete roles. This article identifies the main risk areas.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
Alternatively, you can compare to an actual system; For example, this is a useful function in the context of a roll-out.
With a service user, multiple logins are always possible, and password modification rules do not work.