SAP Support SAP Application Management Services (SAP AMS) - SAP Basis

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SAP Application Management Services (SAP AMS)
1st Level Support
Your SAP® systems are mission-critical, must be readily available and function smoothly. However, no software solution is technically always trouble-free.

You can inform us of your requirements via the questionnaire behind the following button. We will let you know which investment you can expect.
Establish action plans to address risks and problems of performance, technical integrity and stability
Choose the offer that best meets your requirements. With all Success Experience offers, you get the preparation, guidance and guidance you need to quickly use SAP solutions productively and be successful in the long term.

The reports filed outside of our business hours will not be processed until the next working day. The SAP processes the "Very High" priority messages immediately. In order to ensure that you as a customer are always well informed about how a message can be submitted outside of business hours, our answering machine with the relevant information is available to you. In the Customer Guide, you will learn how to proceed in the event of a system shutdown, for example, to submit the message to SAP for immediate processing. You will also receive detailed information about the message task in SAP Solution Manager and a description of the message task outside of our business hours.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", a tool is available to help your SAP support with troubleshooting.

In the working group "CCC/Service & Support", SAP customers, among others, have joined forces to establish a Customer Competence Centre (CCC) or a Customer COE (Centre of Expertise) in the more recent term, on the basis of contractual obligations.

Customers can ask their questions with us in real time, in direct interaction with our support experts.
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