Automation tool reduces time required to create test environments
Shutting Down the Target System
A major risk to the availability of the entire SAP environment arises when system copies are not transferred to the QA system for reasons of time and resources. Development and test work then takes place on a QA system that does not correspond to the production system. The disruption of the production system - sooner or later - is then already pre-programmed.
An SAP system copy usually includes both the copy of the database and the copy of the file systems that contain the SAP system. There are several ways to create a system copy of an SAP system, depending on the type of database and operating system used.
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There are various ways to tame this time robber and reduce run times. For example, through parallelization or the automatic generation of secondary indices.
Advantage of the system copy: Users receive one hundred percent consistent test data. A disadvantage, however, is the high storage space requirement of such a test system, which corresponds to that of the productive system. In addition, an authorization concept for the system copy is required to protect the authentic data it contains. Otherwise, company secrets are at risk, and there is a violation of regulations such as the Federal Data Protection Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" the effort for many work steps is reduced. The work done by "Shortcut for SAP Systems" lies in the preparation and post-processing of the data - by backing up the system-specific data before the system copy and restoring it after the system copy. Efforts for preparation and post-processing are thus reduced to a minimum.
For example, when it comes to creating system copies of a production environment on the test and quality assurance (QA) system.
By automating complex SAP system copies that require a great deal of manual effort, the throughput times and costs of an SAP system copy can be massively reduced.