Key solution steps
Critical factor: Availability
To build a target system that can be used for testing, development and training purposes, there are two different approaches: Users can reinstall an SAP system and import all transports and support packages that have also made it into the production system to date. However, when their number reaches the hundreds and thousands, the effort becomes disproportionately high. In addition, the data still has to be imported from the production system, for example via a client copy.
SAP recommends that you always update enterprise software in your production system using the SAP transport system and never make changes directly in the production system. In addition, SAP suggests that you validate change transports through a QA system that is approximately identical to the production system and has up-to-date transaction data. Outdated data can affect the validity of change transport tests, which can lead to errors and failures in the production system. However, end-user transaction data is received only from the production system. Such data must therefore be passed regularly throughout the SAP transport chain to ensure that your non-production systems have up-to-date and valid transaction data. This can usually be accomplished by passing a system copy of the production system, created for updates, to the QA system. To reduce the number of test cycles, it is also advisable to update your development system occasionally.
Scope of the SAP system copy
Third-party tools sometimes have a different focus than TDMS. The tools each offer a more or less generally understandable user guidance and are thus "out-of-the-box" products that do not require external consulting on implementation or application.
The initial screen will then, for example, already show an overview of the - in some cases automatically - integrated systems and their status, as well as system information such as release, patch level and the like. The use of a comprehensive dashboard will then also be included.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" supplement missing functions in the area of SAP system copy.
The Migration Monitor stores the state of the export or import process in the {ex|im} file.
These methods save time and effort in creating system copies and allow companies to make their IT processes faster and more efficient.