The target system
Scenario with system copies for updating
Especially in complex environments, SAP system copies regularly represent a critical challenge in terms of time and expertise and thus become a real cost factor in the long run. This is because system copies must be scheduled at an early stage, are complex, time-consuming and resource-intensive, require specific knowledge, tie up important employee capacities due to the large number of manual interventions, and are error-prone.
An SAP system copy is an important part of a company's IT operations, as it helps reduce the risk of data loss. However, it is important to regularly schedule and monitor the creation of system copies to ensure that a working copy of the system is available in the event of an emergency.
SAP system update and database update
To ensure that SAP solutions are nevertheless used optimally, decision-makers are well advised to regularly subject IT landscapes and applications to intensive testing. This helps to avoid potential errors and risks during operation, which can quickly lead to immense costs. But providing test data can also prove to be a challenge. Given the increased use of Big Data, storage space and resulting costs are constantly rising. In addition, testing is complicated by the growing complexity of applications and IT architecture. It can therefore be profitable for companies to invest in professional test data management, which offers decisive advantages.
With the entry into force of the GDPR, the topic of system copies has been expanded to include the aspect of anonymization: In many cases, personal or other sensitive data is operated on non-productive systems that usually have lower security levels and also allow access for those persons who are not normally allowed to work with GDPR-relevant data (eg developers or external consultants). For this reason, when defining the processes around system copy and, if necessary, also when selecting tools for automation, care must be taken to ensure that these also map data anonymization in accordance with the GDPR.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", tasks in the area of SAP system copy are simplified and made possible.
All these activity groups are described individually below.
This is the case when dependencies of the source systems are also to be mapped in the target environments.