This is why companies need professional test data management
DB-specific methods: - for DB-homogeneous system copies - no Unicode conversion possible!
For some time now, SAP customers have been supported in system copying by very powerful automation tools that can be used as needed. In addition to this area of activity, additional automation tools are also available, for example up to the creation of sandboxes, which provide valuable services.
Administrators and SAP maintainers in the x86 world under Windows and various Unix derivatives can nowadays choose from a wealth of software solutions for system support. In contrast, administrators in the System i world and SAP support staff in this environment are often left to their own devices. Nevertheless, the special system architecture and the peculiarities of the DB2 database integrated in the operating system, as well as the specific applications, also pose challenges for system tool developers.
Solution Description
This means that the time required to create an SAP system copy - be it for providing a system copy for training purposes, be it for testing purposes or whatever - is drastically minimized. Instead of several days, only hours are required for system copying.
Landscape copies refer to the update of not only one but a whole group of systems. This is the case when dependencies of the source systems are also to be mapped in the target environments. Similar to the simple system copy, the landscape copy also offers potential for automation, but this cannot be implemented by every tool on the market.
Powerful and sophisticated automation tools for the creation of SAP system copies provide a remedy here and, in addition to time and cost savings, demonstrably also make it possible, for example, to increase the process quality in system copying or to maintain it at a consistently high level. In effect, they free up SAP Basis. With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", you can sustainably relieve your administrators of the time-consuming routine activities of an SAP system copy.
To automate most transactions, UC4 Automated System Copy for SAP can also be used.
We are also happy to support you with any data anonymization that may become necessary after such a copy.